Summer in the city!

After an ‘eventful’ time in istanbul, Emir and I came back to our little palace on the Upper West Side. New Yorkers know exactly what I’m talking about when I say ‘palace’… Anyway, I was so scared of NYC welcoming us with an unbearably hot weather, but my fear didn’t become my reality. It’s been a humid but not unbearable late July, and I’m hoping the same from August, come on New York!
My main task for the summer is editing my video files that I have from my projects, plays that I was in, and the workshops I’ve been leading since 2009. Since last week I’m going through my videos, watching my performances both as a performer and a teacher. I remember Stanley Tucci telling us in a scene study class to get used to watching ourselves, and how he has filmed himself trying out things before accepting the part in Devil Wears Prada, and that’s also when he figured that this character wears glasses. So, I’m glad to find out that this boring task of ‘editing the videos’, that I’ve been avoiding for months, is actually helpful for my process as an artist.
I already put some new clips from my improvisation shows on my Youtube channel!

photoThe other thing that I’m concentrated on this month is working out! I know, New Yorkers are saying ‘so what?’ because that’s what they do on a daily basis. But this lovely Turkish girl never could make working out a daily habit – YET! We, Turkish people don’t understand why people would be moving during their spare time! But I get it! And apart from the Tai Chi classes in Bryant Park, I’m using the opportunity of having an ex-professional basketball player in the house:) Emir and I are training in Central Park. He made me purchase a WNBA basketball, a smaller and way cooler basketball, as seen in the picture! Today I was finally able to perform a proper left hand lay up. And, let me give you a hint right away, that’s what blogs do right, so here we go;  if you’re close to the rim, you should aim to hit the backboard, you’ll see that the ball will easily go in, it works like magic!

Ege & Emir


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